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04 Results
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Emerging Solutions Africa (ESA)/Love Justice International 
Emerging Solutions Africa (ESA)/Love Justice International 
Semawata Road, Ntinda, Kampala
5km from Kampala
5km from 8H7H+Q7J, Kampala Road, Kampala
Monitors borders and transit points, intercepts victims, repatiates and provides after care support to men and women of all ages.
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Platform for Labour Action
Platform for Labour Action
Plot 14 Martyrs Lane off Old Kira Road, Ntinda, Nakawa Division, Kampala
Provides legal support, education, psychological support, shelter, provision of basic needs while in the shelter, family tracing, reintegration, vocational skilling, and training. 
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Make a Child Smile
Make a Child Smile
Kawanda, Wakiso District, Kampala
11km from Kampala
11km from 8H7H+Q7J, Kampala Road, Kampala
Offers individual counselling, vocational training, legal services, medical care, and start-up capital to victims of all ages and genders. Also raises awareness about human trafficking, assists victims, and and offers repatriation and family reunification services
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Action Aid Uganda
Action Aid Uganda
Sir Apollo Kaggwa Road, Kampala, Uganda
Offering temporary shelter, legal aid, and case management at the shelterand community level; on spot psychosocial counselling to survivors ofgender-based violence, children, and immediate family members; follow upfor clients and immediate family members to check on progress of recoveryfrom
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