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93 Results
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International Justice Mission
International Justice Mission
Sunna Road Ntinda, Kampala
Partners with the justice system to rescue and restore victims, bringperpetrators to account and strengthen the criminal justice system.Providing legal assistance and aftercare to women and children who haveexperienced intimate partner violence and/or sexual violence
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Human Trafficking Institute
Human Trafficking Institute
NSSF Building, Kampala
Coordinates with victim service providers to help victims of trafficking accessservices, and provides technical assistance to prosecutors, investigators andpolice handling trafficking cases.
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FIDA Uganda
FIDA Uganda
Plot 9, Ntinda Avenue, Kampala
Offering legal services and individual counselling to indigent women andchildren, including alternative dispute resolution, advocacy, and dutycounsel at family courts.
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Children at Risk Network (CRANE)
Children at Risk Network (CRANE)
Namirembe Hill, Plot 879, Kampala
A network of organisations, schools, and churches providing communityreintegration services, cash assistance, family reunification, counselling,and life skills training to male and female victims below 18 years and theirfamilies. CRANE also provides transport back home and referral networkplaces
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Child Helpline (Sauti)
Child Helpline (Sauti)
Kireka, Kampala
7km from Kampala
7km from 8H7H+Q7J, Kampala Road, Kampala
Dial 116 to report suspected cases of child abuse and all forms of child rightsviolations. Run by the Ministry of Gender Labour and Social Developmentin partnership with UNICEF, Sauti coordinates services amongst providers,engages in follow-up information sharing, and provides referrals
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Barefoot Lawyers
Barefoot Lawyers
Muwafu Road, Ntinda, Kampala
6km from Kampala
6km from 8H7H+Q7J, Kampala Road, Kampala
Supports access to justice by providing free legal information and assistanceto adults, male and female, and small businesses through the use oftechnology and innovation, in addition to traditional methods
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African Centre for Treatment and Rehabilitation ofTorture Victims
African Centre for Treatment and Rehabilitation ofTorture Victims (ACTV)
Plot 2756, Kanyanya Road, Block 207, Kampala
Operates a medical referral centre that provides physical and psychologicalcare for supporting the process of rehabilitation of victims of torture.Provides individual counselling to children and adults, as well as advocacyand empowerment
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Africa Non-profit Chore (ANCHOR)
Africa Non-profit Chore (ANCHOR)
Plot 190 Kigobe Road, Ntinda, Kampala
Offering vocational training, life skills training, and organizational capacitydevelopment to adult men and women.
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Action for Rural Women and Economic Empowerment
Action for Rural Women and Economic Empowerment
Plot 1312, Kibirango Close, Rubaga, Kampala
Helps women to increase agricultural production for household foodsecurity and income generation; provides education and vocational skilling;strengthens women’s economic status; provides sustainable health forcommunities; and food and nutrition for girls and youth
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Action for Children
Action for Children
Kyanja Ring Road, Kyanja Trading Center, Kampala
Offering family reunification, housing and residential services, individualcounselling and reintegration services to girls and boys under 18 years of age.
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